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 2015-2019: 于圣彼得堡国立大学获得博士学位

 2012-2014: 于北京航空航天大学获得硕士学位

 2008-2012: 于山西大学获得学士学位


 20245月至今 任职于山西大学教育科学学院

 2019-2024 任职于陕西师范大学心理学院





2016年Russian Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation “An interdisciplinary approach to researching and developing teacher terminology skills in the field of teaching methodology”



 1. Fan, Q., Liu, Q.W., Liu, C.Z., & Wang, Z.H. (2022). Childhood trauma and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: The mediating effects of character strengths and perceived stress. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 30(03), 526-536.

2. Hu, Y.Q., Wang, Z.H. ⁎, & Fan, Q. (2022). The relationship between conscientiousness and well-being among Chinese undergraduates students: A cross-lagged study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20).

3. Fan, Q., Bordovskaia, N.V. ⁎, & Petanova, E.I. (2018). The research potential and realization of Chinese undergraduate graduates studying in Chinese and Russian universities. Journal of Tver National University, Education and Psychology Edition, 1, 141-149.

4. Fan, Q., & Bordovskaia, N.V. (2017). Research potential of Chinese freshmen studying in Chinese and Russian universities. Education and Society, 5-6, 36-41.

5. Bordovskaia, N.V. ⁎, & Fan, Q. (2018) Personal prediction of the research potential of Chinese freshmen studying in Russian universities. Research in Psychology and Education, 33-38.